Heritage Auction Galleries is having a rare coin auction next week, January 3 to 6, 2007 in Dallas, Texas. This auction is expected to break the previous world’s record for a coin auction of $61 million that was set by the firm in January 2005. Buoyed by the continuing strength of the rare coin bull market and important consignments of several individual numismatic items estimated to bring $1 million or more each, this auction will be one to watch.
One of the highlights is a a 1907 Double Eagle, a $20 denomination gold coin designed by internationally renowned sculptor, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, at the personal request of President Teddy Roosevelt. When originally made at the Philadelphia Mint in 1907, the height of the design on the coin’s surface was so high that each coin had to be struck seven times in the press. However, the coins then would not stack properly on top of each other because of the raised design. The coin in the upcoming auction is one of the extremely rare examples with the “Ultra High Relief.”
“This is considered by many collectors to be America’s most beautiful coin. Less than two dozen examples of this type survive today, and this one is in pristine condition. It’s expected to sell for about $2 million,” said Greg Rohan, Heritage President.
For additional information, contact Heritage Auction Galleries, 3500 Maple Ave., 17th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75210. Phone: (800) 872-6467. Online: www.HA.com.