Collector’s Corner: Bubble Gum Comics and Wrappers
By Michele Alice
February 03, 2008
“Bubble Gum Comics (see website below) estimates that there are over 1000 Fleer Funnies and over 1500 Bazooka Joe comics, not counting variations. A few other bubble gum brands, like Blony and Swell, also included comics, and over the years various companies have sold bubble gum in wrappers that could be sent in for premiums. These are all sought after by collectors.
Of course, we’re not talking about values approaching those of regular comics. Most bubble gum comics and wrappers are, at present, worth no more than a few dollars each, but that could change.
In 2007, former-Disney CEO Michael Eisner led a consortium in a buyout of the Topps Company. Eisner would like to turn Bazooka Joe into an entertainment (movies, etc.) and marketing giant. If Eisner is successful, who knows how hot the secondary markets could become for early bubble gum collectibles.”