Collector to Sell World’s Largest Trove of Classic Computer Software
Press Release – Source: Eli’s Software Encyclopedia
Monday May 23, 8:09 am ET
“SCRANTON, Pa., May 23 /PRNewswire/ — A 175,000-piece collection of classic computer software, including many rare and sought-after titles, will be offered at auction June 16th on eBay.
The collection contains approximately 20,000 separate titles, more than half of them pre-1990. It includes a nearly complete line of early products from Accolade, Activision, Epyx, Infocom, LucasArts, Microprose, Origin Systems, Taito, and Virgin.
…Collectible software is attracting increasing attention, and the supply is limited. Manufacturing runs for popular game titles were always tiny compared to those of other collectible items such as baseball cards, books, records, stamps, or coins. First runs were typically 2,500 to 5,000 even by major publishers. Old software titles are remarkably rare compared to collectibles in any other entertainment medium.”