An insightful look into what makes some of eBays top sellers successful:
How to Inspire Bidding Frenzies
How do you get top dollar for your eBay items? Try tactics the pros use–and guide the bidding frenzy in your favor
August 31, 2005
By David Worrell
“An eBay item listing is a beautiful thing. It magically combines the best of free markets with a sense of competition and excitement that almost guarantees you’ll get a fair price–perhaps even a generous price–for the product you’re selling.
But the magic starts long before the first bid is placed. In fact, in most eBay sales, it is the seller who is the magician–deftly mixing various pricing strategies and tools to ensure that the most buyers bid the highest price they can.
How you conjure the best prices, of course, depends on what you’re selling. So here are a few tricks for items of all prices–from $10,000 tractors to 10-cent postcards.”