Couple finds rare purple pearl in meal of steamed clams
Times Argus Online
January 7, 2008
By Rhonda J. Miller, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
“LAKE WORTH, Fla. – 2008 is likely to be the year of the purple pearl for George and Leslie Brock of Royal Palm Beach, Fla.
Sure, it was the tail end of 2007 when George discovered the beautifully round, lavender pearl in a mouthful of his lunch of steamed middleneck clams on Friday.
…Reached in the frenzy was Vermont gemologist Antoinette Matlins, author of “The Pearl Book: The Definitive Buying Guide.” Someone e-mailed her a photo, knowing her reputation as the examiner of the most famous of the rare purple quahog clam pearls on a Victorian-era brooch reportedly bought for $14 in a Rhode Island antique shop and now a headliner in international jewelry exhibits.”